went out for HAIRSPRAY wif Chemistry Teacher...

2:45 AM by sharfeat

hai...??? last monday fiq, afif and lingesh went out wif CIk MAiZATUL (our chemistry teacher)..
we all blanja her ticket for HAIRSPRAY..... u all mus watch HaiRSPRAY... damm best la... i tink rr.. maybe this movie lagi seronok than HiGh SkOol Musical.. u all noe rite HAIRSPRAY also musical movie rite... another thinkk... u must see AMANDA BYNES in the movie... SO SO SO SO CUTE... ToOOO cute la...... i Really Love her!!!!! hehehe... than JOHN TRAVOLTA act as KELSI MoTHER..... zacK efron alSo quIte good in this movieee.... yang best nyer, on that show, only 9 peoples sahaja yang ada... so we all can laugh loud as we want.. so funny... than i so terkejut we i heard Lingesh laughing... so terukkk... then afif dance at his sit same as me too... alot of nice song inside the movie such as GOOD MORNING BALTIMORE, WITHOUT LOVE, WELCOME TO 60an, I CAN HEAR THE BELL, YOU CAN STOP THE BEAT.... seronok la..... all old fashion song but nice la... than the shows end at 7 pm sometink.. ape lagi kami nak buat... i ajak they all makan pizza hut la.... untuk berbuka puasa la...

- me aND CIKgU-

we all take a set and other the other dessert.. then afif bought cake from secret resepi...??? ok la... afrter that we all ronda-ronda looking for my baju... heheh.. than we all wenT back around 9.
-afif n lingrsh donnoe wat to eat-

-hehehe- -my breadstick n mushroom sup-




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