5:58 AM by sharfeat

such a loong and tired week for me... hehe... this week adalah my last week untok working for MCD.. sebabnya fiq dah dapat tawaran dari MATRIX. so i will go there to continue mu study la... what else.. hehehe.. fiq dapat matrix pulau pinang,,... afif plak kedah same as maulidin.. but they will study at diffrent colage.. untuk bulan nie jgak macam macam kejutan yang fiq dapat.. for this moth i was dominated as the CREW OF THE MONTH by my store manager.. THANKS A Lot.. Fiq dapat kalung emas yang ada tulis CREW OF THE MONTH.. hehehe.. rasa terharu gak la.. baru kerja bulan dah dapat CREW OF THEV MONTH.. hhehee.. than yang sedih nya fiq kena berjenti.. im sorry.. i will miss u all there.. thanks to all my friend there and to all my lovely manager... huh.. what elsee.. still missing aYoi here.. apa lah yang akan jadi kat ayoi huh..
AYoI + PLKN = 6 packs
cayok ayoiiii.. u can do it.. i knew u..