what that i know bout me is im a very kind person... surely i said.. hahahaha... i like to make people laugh and at the same time me also laughing with the person.. for me love is very importance... i really donnoe y.. i really trust in love..i like to make a new friend and i hate people that always talking behind me about my character. sometinme, i also donnoe y i felt lonely....hahaha.. that all sound like gurlish.. hahaha.. that what i want to say..
umm.. lupa..??uh..sekali tidak.. 14 Februari 2007 sampai lah skunk.. saya x akan lupa. bahkan sentiasa igt..cuma...takut..org tu jer.. maklumla..busy ngn hidup baru..kawan baru.. hope u always happy dioorrr...!!!
=) I tak lupakan u! :D
Unknown, at July 12, 2010 at 9:42 AM
umm.. lupa..??uh..sekali tidak.. 14 Februari 2007 sampai lah skunk.. saya x akan lupa. bahkan sentiasa igt..cuma...takut..org tu jer.. maklumla..busy ngn hidup baru..kawan baru.. hope u always happy dioorrr...!!!
homestay, at June 11, 2011 at 7:47 AM
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