my HOST family in thaIAlanD... PHAKTOEMPONG faMily...

6:21 AM by sharfeat

1 day i left RANONG.... im so sad.... especially my friend and my host familt... so firstly i will talk about my host family ok... they all so kind.. ok.. in the family got 3 sWeet Gurl and a bIg Brother..... thier name : SEE(grade 12) , LHIN(grade 10) , KAM(grade 9) and KOY(grade 8). they all so kind.... i cannot forget kam, she always make fun... always talk like this "yes yes yes sir" or " no no no no sir" i will miss you all la... not forgot my foster mom and father.. my foster father plak so so so so FUNNY... he always make fun when we all have dinner.. he alwayss tried to talk im malaysia language.. at last he can... he can said "MAKAN NASI" , and also ASSALAMUALAIKOM" hahahaha...

so, on the first dayy, all student looke at me in a weird looking.. im so affraid.. i also forgot to tell you all. my mum always give me money for lunch.. everyday 70 BATh... mean RM 7.00 perday... fuhhh. then after scholl, my foster mum come and fatch us in front of the gate... the school start aroun 8.00. so we have to go out from house around 7.00. something like that la... in the fist and second night we go to LOIKRATHONG FESTIVEL.... so shiokk... a lot of FUn can see there.. singging compettion and more....

in afternoon... me,koy,lhin and kam play badminton.... they all so good in this game... ya....
i miss them so much... KOy gOod in her AUDITON game.. but i dont know how to play that game... then go out for eat.. than, i will not forget my foster aunty... she so Good aunty.....



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