12:01 AM by sharfeat
sekarang fiq berada kat dalam komputer lab pitchai rathanakhan scholl. fuhh.. seronok dapat jumpa dengan kengkjawan last year.. rindu sangat.. depa pown stil remember fiq... that mean of FRIENDSHIP.. hahaha... dalam perjalan ke sini.. kami mengambil masa around 14 jam... heheh... macam last year jugak... kami tiba kat sini dalam pukul 7 malam... then fiq kenalkan diri pada keluarga angkat fiq.. its nice la... last year fiq dapat keluarga yang sporting.. sekarang fiq dapat keluarga lagi sporting.. huhuhuhu. malam semalam fiq sempat keluar jalan jalan kat WALKING STRET.. then kami semua pergi ke HOT SPRING... heheh...
Labels: heheh
I've got many questions to ask you regarding your Thai trip. Maybe I can also adopt the programme for my students in Singapore.
What are the objectives of this trip and staying with your adopted family?
What are the activities planned for you and the other students?
What do you have to contribute to your school when you return from the trip?
This year I brought my student leaders to Ho Chi Minh for a leadership trip. Check out my blog to know more about it.
AZIZAH, at December 17, 2008 at 6:07 AM
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